Day 124: King david rules

2 Samuel 5:1-25 David was anointed King of Israel with all the tribes united under him. In this role, he was a type of Christ (TYPOLOGY!!), who also bears the title King of Israel although his kingdom is “not of this world” (Jn 18:36). Through special divine assistance, David began building his kingdom by defeating the Jebusites and Philistines who had encroached into the Promised Land. In doing so, he took possession of Jerusalem, called it the City of David, and made it the political capital of Israel. (CCC 2578, 2594)

Ch 5:1-3 This brief description of David’s consecration as King of Israel is the first reading at Mass on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Year C.

So what does this Year C mean?? 


(And now you know, and like G.I. Joe says, “Knowing is half the battle!” The other half is made up of red lasers and blue lasers 😉)

Psalm 27 Military imagery is employed to describe the trials and turmoil of this life; these troubles, however, are counteracted by God’s strength and protection expressed as light. God is our light that overcomes all obstacles and at the same time bestows salvation. He is our refuge and sanctuary; he is our rock that never fails. Because of God’s infinite love and saving power, we need not fear anything in this world or the next. 

“The Lord creates around his faithful a horizon of peace that blocks out the clamor of evil,” said St. John Paul II. “Communion with God is a source of serenity, joy, and tranquility; it is like reaching an oasis of light and love” (St. John Paul II, General Audience, April 21, 2004; cf. General Audience, April 28, 2004).

Hear, O salvation: The psalmist spells out the kind of perseverance and vigilance that are required of those who believe in the Lord, who calls us to “seek his face.” To focus on seeking God’s face consists in turning every action and prayer into a deed of love, thus bringing the entire Gospel message into every aspect of daily life. This prayer serves as a model prayer in asking God’s guidance and strength in both discerning and fulfilling God’s will. (CCC 2730)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

King and Bridegroom

(*Walking With God: A Journey Through The Bible by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven we give you praise. We thank you and we give you honor and glory. My gosh, Lord God, thank you. Thank you for your Word. Thank you for letting us see in Chapters 1-8 of the Book of Chronicles the ways in which you have unfolded this family. You have gone back in and helped us review, Lord God. You have helped us review the lives of your family, the lives of the Jewish people. Those fathers and sons, those sisters and daughters, those people that you have called out of nothingness to be yours, to be a people peculiarly your own. Lord God, we ask you please to help us to be yours as well. Because you have called us from obscurity. Lord God, you have called us from nothingness into being. You have called us from being into being YOUR CHILDREN. We are so grateful for you, Lord God. Please receive our praise. Receive our thanks. Please be with us this day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”