Day 197: Woe and Consolation

Isaiah 11:1-9 A shoot from the stump of Jesse: This prophecy of the coming Messiah speaks about Jesse, who was the father of David. The future Messiah would be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Isaiah mentions six of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit that are received in Confirmation. These gifts help the recipient to live the supernatural virtues by enlightening the mind and moving the will to walk in the way of Christ. The prophets also foretold how the Spirit of the Lord would rest upon the Messiah as a compelling sign that he was anointed by the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist identified Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah (cf. Jn 1:32). (CCC 536, 672, 1286, 1830-1831)

Ch 11:6-9 The flowering of this shoot of Jesse signifies the advent of perfect peace and joy. This colorful imagery refers metaphorically to the Incarnation of the Son of God. (CCC 712)

Ch 11:10-16 The restoration would begin with the return of the exiles from Babylon and other places where the Jews had been dispersed. The Church, being the perfect fulfillment of the Covenant, is a continuation of this faithful remnant of God’s Chosen People. (CCC 1081)

Ch 12:1-6 This prophecy closes with a prediction that the people of Israel would someday be filled with gratitude on account of God’s mercy. Moreover, God’s punishment served as a vehicle of purification and conversion. 

Ch 12:2 Faith involves complete trust in and reliance on God regardless of the immediate outcome. (CCC 227)

Ch 12:3 As a sign of cleansing, healing, and life, water is a common metaphor in Scripture. Likewise, the image of thirst is present frequently in both the Old and New Testaments, signifying every person’s innate desire to know the truth and find happiness. This verse in particular stresses water’s cleansing and life-giving power. (CCC 2561)

Ch 12:4-5 Make known his deeds among the nations: In referring to this verse, St. John Paul II said that our salvation “must be witnessed to the world, so that all humanity may run to the fountain of peace, joy, and freedom” (General Audience, April 17, 2002). Prayers of praise give glory to God because of his infinite mercy and wisdom. (CCC 2649)

Ch 13:1-22 This chapter includes the first of eleven consecutive chapters that reproach various foreign nations, a particular person, and Jerusalem itself. God’s absolute authority and power over the world constitutes the central message of these chapters. He will judge and praise, punish and forgive according to his purposes but always with an eye toward the repentance of his people. He will sometimes use foreign invaders as his instruments to mete out his punishment against his people. The first prophecy concerns Babylon, which defeated Judah and exiled its leaders and gifted citizens, only to be defeated a generation later by the Persians and Medes. 

Tobit 13:1-18 The Canticle of Tobit is rendered differently in various manuscripts and biblical translations, but in essence it is a hymn of praise that makes reference to several historical episodes in the history of Israel. Yet, it is vague enough to be meaningful to Jews during any of the periods of exile. The hymn resembles the Psalms and other canticles of Scripture, and it is particularly notable for its description of a New Jerusalem that will last forever: a hint of the glory of Heaven that has yet to be fully revealed. 

Ch 13:2 The attribute of God as All-powerful is expressed explicitly with references to his justice, his mercy, and his absolute authority over all creatures. (CCC 269)

Ch 14:1-15 Like many of the ancient fathers, Tobit left a kind of spiritual last testament before he died. He urged Tobias to move back to the home of Raguel and Edna, believing that Nineveh would be destroyed. He foresaw the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the return of the exiled Jews to their homeland. He continued to urge attention to the works of mercy that were so much a part of his life, particularly the burying of the dead and the giving of alms. Tobias did as his father asked and lived an exemplary life in the model of his father. 

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

(Walking With God: A Journey Through The Bible by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven we give you praise and glory. We thank you so much for this opportunity once again, gosh, so many days in a row to be able to, whether or not in a row, Lord God you have given us this opportunity to come back and allow you to speak to us. To speak to us and to give us your wisdom, to speak to us and to call us back to you, to speak to us and to remind us of the great consolation you have in store for us in our lives. And so we give you praise and we just offer you our thanks. We offer you praise because like we heard yesterday, ‘Keep the secrets of a king but give God exultant praise, exultant glory.’ And God may you be exalted in praise and glory. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”