Day 29: Moses Returns to Egypt

Exodus 4:21-23 God’s relationship with his people would be that of a father who guides his firstborn son. This identification would help preserve the way for a radically fuller revelation of himself through his Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Through Baptism, we share in Christ’s Sonship, thereby becoming adopted children of God the Father. (CCC 238, 441, 2779-2782)

Ch 5:1-23 Moses was tested by the stubbornness not only of Pharaoh, who, in reprisal for Moses’ demands, punished the Israelites further, but also of his own people, who blamed Moses for their worsened condition. Moses served as their intercessor with Pharaoh in his role as mediator between God and his people. His prayer here is a perfect model: SIMPLE, HONEST, AND RESPECTFUL OF GOD. NOte how the people of Israel are recognized by their Twelve Tribes, which are the descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob/Israel. Christ would select his TWELVE APOSTLES as a sign that his Church is the FULFILLMENT OF THE PROMISE given to Israel. (CCC 2574-2575)

Leviticus 4:1-35 A Levitical priest, who was responsible for knowing the Law, was considered more culpable for his wrongdoings, even more so because of possible scandal. The major sin offerings of Chapters 1-3 had to be performed by the high priest, whereas the lesser sin offerings could be accomplished by any priest. (CCC 433, 578, 604, 615-616, 1854-1864, 1992, 2284-2286, 2326)

Psalm 46 The title of this psalm refers to God as our refuge and our strength. These descriptions emphasize the guaranteed assurance of God’s constant availability and grace. Given God’s steadfast love for us, no evil or danger can ever hinder us from fulfilling his plan. This psalm is another reminder that God is the Lord of history and NOTHING can occur without the consent of his will. In these verses, the image of water as a fearful storm representing evil is contrasted to the saving effects of water, which signify purification through GRACE. 

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

(What are the 3 THEMES of the Exodus narrative?  Anyone? Bueller?  They are NAME, KNOW, and SERVE. God reveals his “NAME” so that both Pharaoh and God’s people will come to “KNOW” the Lord. In coming to “KNOW” the Lord, God’s people discover the true nature of service and worship, as well as Whom they are called to “SERVE.”.......mic drop)

(*Walking With God: A Journey Through the Bible by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins) 

Prayer by Fr. Mike: "Lord God in Heaven, we give you praise. We thank you so much. We give you praise and glory for who you are. You are the one God. Living and true you are the one who has come and visited your people. You are with us right now. God, you are in our midst. You are in our midst. And so what you invite us to do is to be still, and to know that you are in our midst. To be still and know you. To be still and to know that you are our God. So help us. Help us this day in the midst of our business to be still. In the midst of our tumult, in the midst of our slavery, in the midst of our redemption, in the midst of our being set free, our liberation, in the midst of our vocation, help us to take this time to be still and to know that you are God. We make this prayer in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen."


Moses' hesitation to take the call, because he is not well spoken, calls to mind Christ's instruction to his disciples to not worry about that so much. Any of us can evangelize by putting our trust in the Lord to guide us to live and speak as witnesses to Christ.

Pharoah serves as a type for Satan, and how often we act as the Israelites when our lives become more burdened, particularly when we desire to turn away from our sins and grow closer to God. Very often when we try to repent, Satan intensifies his attack on our spirituality, increasing the temptations and burdens, trying to convince us that "all will be well and back to normal if we just give up and give in."

Side-by-side comparisons between the Sin Offering and the Eucharist (and also in certain ways the Sacrament of Reconciliation).