Day 132: David and Absalom

2 Samuel 14:33 A ruse orchestrated by Joab convinced David to let Absalom live despite the gravity of his crime. He arranged for Absalom to live in a house as long as he stayed away from the king. After a time, Absalom connived to meet his father, the king, and was symbolically forgiven with a kiss. (CCC 1465)

Psalm 14 Another distinction is made between the just and the evildoers: The just seek God, and the wicked reject God and even deny his existence. Denial of God’s existence is known as ATHEISM, while the belief that professes uncertainty regarding God’s existence is called AGNOSTICISM. Both positions are offenses against the First Commandment.

The fool says in his heart: One who opines that God does not exist is a fool because his existence, as St. Thomas Aquinas pointed out, is certainly discernible through the light of human reason alone. 

There is none that does good: Rejection of God amounts to sinful behavior and consequently harm to the common good. (CCC 35, 402-403, 2122-2128)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven we give you thanks and we give you praise. You are a good God and you are a good Dad. Lord God, you are a good Dad. You are a good Father and you continue to meet us. You forgive us completely. But you also call us to complete repentance. You offer forgiveness totally but you also call us to totally come back to you. And so help us, please Father. Help us do that. Help us to come back totally so that your mercy may totally transform us. That your grace may totally transform us. That your love may totally renew us. Lord God, bring us back to you. Let your face shine on us, and we shall be saved. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”