Day 97: Samuel's Prophecy

1 Samuel 3:1-21 Samuel’s prompt answer to the Lord’s call reveals his attentiveness and readiness to serve. God was calling Samuel to be his prophet. He would inspire Samuel with his messages, which in turn would be transmitted to others. God’s call to Samuel was personal; in a like manner, he calls every one of us by name. (CCC 2158, 2167)

Ch 3:9-10 Samuel, no doubt, learned how to pray from his devout mother, Hannah; from the priest Eli he learned how to listen for God’s voice. Our primary access to the Word of God is through reading Scripture; the prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture, called lectio divina, forms the subject matter for prayer and meditation directed to God usually through the life of Christ. (CCC 2221, 2226-2227, 2578, 2653)

Ch 4:1-22 The sins of Eli’s sons led to their own deaths; the death of their father; the defeat of Israel by the Philistines; and, worst of all, the Philistine’s capture of the Ark of the Covenant. For Israel this was a devastating turn of events; more than a vessel for sacred objects, the Ark was the very presence of God among his people and the sign of God’s special predilection for the Jewish people. (CCC 2594)

Psalm 150 This final hymn of the Psalter comprises a joyful outpouring of praise in three distinct stages. First, there is focus on God, his sanctuary, and his perfections; then the Temple musicians break into song accompanied by dancing to enhance the prayer of praise; finally, creation itself rises up and praises its Creator. Thus, this song of praise goes from the sanctuary, representing the PERFECT LITURGY celebrated in Heaven, to our praise, and then to all living creatures represented by the human person. As St. John Paul II noted, “The highest music is what comes from our hearts. In our liturgies this is the harmony God wants to hear.” (Cf. St. John Paul II, General Audience, February 26, 2003) (CCC 1191)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

Eli and His Sons 

(*Walking With God: A Journey Through The Bible by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Lord God, we do give you praise. Father in Heaven, we thank you so much for your Word. We thank you for revealing yourself to us. We thank you for calling us to be part of this community that prays for each other, that walks together, that listens to your Word and lets it shape our minds and our hearts. We ask that you please help us to allow your Word to do exactly that, to be a lens shaper for us, to be a heart shaper for us, that your Word changes us. Not that we just learn new things or hear new stories, or  be reminded of old stories, but that your Word actually  makes a difference. We know, Lord God, that your Word does not go forth from you and return to you empty. But it always accomplishes the purpose for which you sent it. And so we give you permission whatever it is, Lord God. Whatever mission you have for your Word in our lives today, we give you permission to accomplish your Will. We give you permission in our lives, not that we need to, but you are so good that you are very humble and you will not force yourself, but you are patient with us. Thank you, God. Please receive our thanks and praise this day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”