Day 202: God's Judgment

Isaiah 23:1-18 The final prophecy against nations targets Tyre and Sidon, two major cities of Phoenicia, which were besieged by Babylon and Assyria; eventually they would fall under Greek domination through the  conquests of Alexander the Great.

Chs 24-27 These chapters, known as the Apocalypse of Isaiah, include eschatological prophecies of God’s final triumph.

Ch 24:1-23 This first prophecy speaks of a day when all of creation will suffer destruction on account of the many sins committed.

The Book of Habakkuk

Author and Date:


Main Themes:

Habakkuk 1-3 This book deals with the question of whether God’s apparent inactivity by allowing Israel (or any individual) to be persecuted by foreign enemies (or unfaithful Israelites) is a sign of his disinterest. It was written after the exile of the northern tribes to Assyria in the late eighth century BC but before the destruction of Judah by the Babylonians in the early sixth century BC. Little is known about Habakkuk; of great interest, however, is the anecdote in the Book of Daniel about Habakkuk being carried by the hairs of his head to take food to Daniel while he was in the lions’ den (cf. Dn 14:33-43).

Ch 1:1-17 Like Nahum, Habakkuk used the method of dialogue, although his questions were asked directly to God. Although admitting the sins of Israel, he questioned why God would use evil to punish the Jews. 

Ch 2:1-20 God, who seems distant at times, knows all things at every moment. He knew about the plundering, violence, oppression, and idolatry of the pagans who ruled the Jews; however, his work would be seen in its proper time. Habakkuk counseled patience and trust that God would intervene at the right moment. (CCC 268)

Proverbs 11:4 This verse and verse 28 warn about deception and danger of setting one’s heart on riches. Material possessions can never satisfy the yearning of the human heart. (CCC 1723)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven we give you praise and glory and we thank you. Thank you for your wisdom. Again, every time we hear your Word, Lord, in Proverbs, your Word coming from Solomon who was a wise man in his mind and not necessarily always wise in his actions, but who continually reminds us that those who choose you, even if they are devoid of everything else, are choosing the right path. Even those who have wealth, even those who have power in this life, ultimately we fall into your hands. And so we ask not just for more wealth or not just for more power but we ask for right relationship with you, right relationship with each other. And even in our hearts, Lord God, we ask for right relationship in ourselves, that we can be the kind of men and women who not only say yes to you with our minds, and say yes to you with our voices, but say yes to you with our entire lives. Help us to say yes to you, to your wisdom, and to walk in wisdom this day and every day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”