Day 58: A Chosen People

Numbers 7:89 The mercy seat on the top of the Ark of the Covenant represented God’s presence among his people. The “tent of meeting” was the portable Tabernacle that was built by the Israelites according to God’s instructions. The term also refers specifically to the inner room, the most sacred part of the sanctuary; when Israel finally settled in Canaan and built the first Temple, this innermost room was called the HOLY OF HOLIES. Separated by a veil, or curtain, this was a room where ONLY THE HIGH PRIEST would enter once a year to offer sacrifices and atonement for the sins of the people. (CCC 433, 1182)

Deuteronomy 7:6-16 God chose Israel as his special people to PREPARE THE WAY for the coming of the Messiah and the foundation of the Church. Israel is a type of the Church (TYPOLOGY!!), which is called the New Israel. (CCC 761-762)

Ch 7:8-9 The deliverance of Israel from Egypt is a great example of God’s love for his people and his authoritative power over history. God is faithful, and therefore, ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES. (CCC 215, 218)

Ch 7:10 God blesses the just and punishes the evil, ALTHOUGH NOT NECESSARILY IN THIS WORLD. In fact, those who reject God may seem to prosper IN THIS LIFE whereas those who are faithful often lead difficult lives marked by persecution. IN THE END, however, those who die in God’s grace receive the reward of Heaven while those who obstinately refuse God’s love are condemned BY THEIR OWN FREE CHOICE. (CCC 1021-1041)

Psalm 92 This psalm touches on the question of why evildoers seem to prosper and the good sometimes meet with misfortune. Here we are told that the wicked sprout like grass and flourish; however, we are also assured that the time will come when the wicked will receive their justice. Only the fool believes he or she can get away with evil or that God is indifferent to good or evil works. Though not seen immediately, evildoers WILL receive their punishment, while those who abide by God’s Law will grow as a tree or shrub near streams of water. Anointing with oil symbolizes consecration and blessing from God. The psalmist sings the praises of God at “morning” and at “night,” suggestive of a scheduled routine of prayer throughout the day. This scheme is reflected in the Liturgy of the Hours, the official prayer of the Church. Prayed throughout the day, its prayers-taken from the Psalms, other books of Scripture, meditations, praise, and intercessory prayers-are recommended to ALL members of the faithful. (CCC 1174-1178, 1196)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

Prayer by Fr Mike: “Father in Heaven, we thank you so much for bringing us here again today. Lord God, you are faithful and you keep us coming back to you. You help us to be faithful because you are so good. Lord God, this is Day 58 and you have brought us to this day. You have brought us to this morning, to this midday, to this afternoon, to this evening. Lord, you have brought us to this moment because you are faithful. Even when we are unfaithful, even when we forget, you are faithful. And you never forget your children. Lord God, help us truly to belong to you. Help us to remain faithful not just by reading your Word and letting it be proclaimed to our ears and our minds and our hearts. But also, Lord God, like yesterday we prayed, help us to Hear O Israel that we belong to you, that we love you with everything we have. Lord God, help us to love you with everything we have, even when we are weak, even when we struggle, even when we stumble, even when we sin. Lord God, help us. We know that you will never abandon us or give up on us. And so, Father, in Jesus’ name we trust in you, we praise you, we thank you, and we ask for your continued faithfulness. Amen.”


Reading about God choosing the Israelites not because they were the most (actually the fewest), I can't help but think about when Christ said "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."