Day 173: Confidence in God

2 Kings 4:1-44 Apparently Elisha was more powerful than his predecessor; his works extended beyond the people of Israel; in this way, Elisha is a type of Christ (TYPOLOGY!!) since his mission is universal in scope. The miracles of bringing the dead boy back to life and the continuous replenishment of oil prefigure Christ’s miracles of raising the dead to life and the multiplication of loaves and fishes to feed thousands. These Gospel events, in turn prefigure Christ’s own Resurrection from the dead and the institution of the Eucharist. (CCC 1335)

2 Chronicles 28:1-27 On account of his sins, the unfaithful King Ahaz suffered major military defeats; instead of repenting of his sin, he worshiped the Syrian idols and died completely separated from God. 

Psalm 127 We are powerless and doomed to fail without God’s intervention. Abandonment to his will and loving care is an integral part of being a good instrument of God. Part of his blessing to those who entrust themselves to him includes the gift of children; as it was the case in the past, the family forms the foundation of a well ordered society. This appreciation for children-coupled with a vibrant family life-needs to be recovered in order to make society morally healthy. (Cf. Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, August 31, 2005)

Unless the Lord builds the house: St. Hilary of Poitiers applied these opening verses to the soul of the human person: “You are a temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells within you. This, then, is the temple of God, filled with his doctrine and his power, able to provide the Lord with room in the sanctuary of the heart...If it were built by the hands of men, it would not stand; strengthened only by worldly knowledge, it would not hold firm; supported only by our ineffective watchfulness and useless works, it would not be secure. This house must be built and guarded in a very different way:...established on its proper base, the prophets and the apostles...until it becomes the perfect man and is made perfect as the body of Christ'' (Tractatus Super Psalmos, 126, 7-8)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven we praise you and we give you glory. We know that you are the one who accomplishes all that we do. In fact, we remember your words, the words of Jesus Christ, the only Beloved Son of God. The words of Jesus that are, ‘Without me, you can do nothing.’ So we ask that you please help us. Help us to remain as branches on the vine. Help us to remain not far from you, but rooted so closely to you that we get all of our life, all of our power, all of our strength, all of our wisdom, all of our everything from you, that we can bear fruit and fruit that will last, fruit that is for your Glory and for the salvation of this world that you love and died for. So, God, please help us to never be separated from you. Help us to never be alienated from you. Help us to always be faithful. And when we are faithless, bring us back to you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”