Day 56: Jealous Husbands

Numbers 5:1 This book gives specific laws to govern Israel, including instructions on the expulsion of the unclean, the importance of restitution, and the handling of cases involving unsubstantiated accusations of adultery. The Israelites were called to both PHYSICAL and MORAL cleanliness. (CCC 2454)

Deuteronomy 5:2 The Decalogue was not an independent set of moral instructions but part of the larger covenant between God and Israel, and, in the Pentateuch, it is always spoken of within that larger context. (CCC 2060)

Ch 5:4 The Decalogue was a direct Revelation of God’s will spoken to Moses from a theophany of fire (theophany means a physical manifestation of God to humankind). In revealing the Commandments in a spectacular way, he manifested that Israel was his Chosen People. (CCC 231, 2059, 2083)

Ch 5:6-7 God did indeed lead his people out of slavery as a type of the much greater liberation from the bondage of sin (TYPOLOGY!!). (CCC 431, 2061, 2133)

Ch 5:8-11 To venerate sacred images is NOT a sin against the Commandments since the images themselves ARE NOT WORSHIPPED; rather they are intended to cultivate a spirit of prayer and love for God. (CCC 2112-2114, 2132, 2141)

Ch 5:15 Though much of the Decalogues consists of negative prohibitions (“You shall not…”), they are crucial elements of SELF-MASTERY that lead to positive deeds of charity. (CCC 2057, 2067, 2070, 2189)

Ch 5:16 The Fourth Commandment enjoys a special importance since it refers to the love of one’s parents. Fulfillment of this mandate is so pleasing to God that he promises a long and prosperous life for those who keep it. (CCC 2200, 2232-2233, 2251)

Ch 5:17-20 The Fifth through Eighth Commandments are stated unequivocally: MURDER, ILLICIT SEXUAL ACTIVITY, THEFT, and LYING are all STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. (CCC 2258, 2273, 2318-2325, 2394-2400, 2450, 2504)

Ch 5:21 The prohibitions against covetousness are tied to the virtue of MODESTY. With modesty, we can live simply and yet feel nothing lacking. Accompanying modesty are the related virtues of PATIENCE, DECENCY, and DISCRETION. (CCC 2533, 2536-2540)

Psalm 90 The Lord urges us to realize our life is finite and our days are few for the purpose of serving him better. Reflection on the brevity of life leads to WISDOM and HOLINESS. 

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

Prayer by Fr Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise and glory. We thank you for your Word today. We thank you not only for your Word, we thank you for your faithfulness. Lord God, we find so often that we are unfaithful, and yet you are patient with us. We find that we are fickle and yet you are stable, you are steadfast in your love for us. So this day, we give you praise. We thank you for continuing to speak to us. We thank you for continuing to be with us. We thank you for continuing to be ours, to be our God. You are not ashamed. Hebrews 11 says, You are not ashamed to be our God. Thank you so much. Help us never to be ashamed to be your people, to belong to you, to be the sheep of your pasture, those you have chosen. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”


What is mortal sin if not "breaking faith with the Lord" as Numbers 5 states. For such sins in the Old Covenant, one had to confess them to the priest. In the New Covenant, Christ gave that authority to his Apostles, the Church.

Just as a leper with a "stain" on his flesh was out of communion with the camp, a soul with the stain of mortal sin is not in communion with the Church.

Initially reading about the test of bitter water given to a suspected unfaithful wife had me wonder, "what if Joseph put Mary through the test when he found her with child?" Not that he would have, just if he had, my thought was that nothing would have happened because, even though Mary was with child not of Joseph, she was innocent of infidelity, proving to be evidence of the miraculous virgin birth. Then when I read through the 2nd Century "Protoevangelium of James," it provides details of the temple priests making both Jospeh and Mary take the test, and perplexed that they were both unharmed by it!

Although this passage regards a process should a husband suspect or be jealous of his wife, I noticed the cereal offering involved is called a "remembrance offering" callng to mind another aspect of the sacrifice of the Eucharist at the Last Supper.

Which Commandments are the Ten Commandments? They are never listed by number in Scripture, nor are any of them referred to as "the second commandment" or "the third commandment." Without numbering them, I counted FIFTEEN imperatives verbs/shall/shall nots. But Scripture does mention that there are Ten Commandments. Here's how the Catholic Church groups them.