Day 236: Rich in Love

Jeremiah 16:1-21 The Lord commanded Jeremiah to become symbolically the victim of the punishments that awaited Judah. By remaining celibate, Jeremiah spared his would-be wife and children from the coming tribulations. The avoidance of funerals signified the high death toll that would make ritual burials impossible, and his absence from festivals indicated the loss of joy that would be suffered for a long period of time. Since the people had forsaken God for idolatry, they would be chastised by their enemies, the “fishers” and “hunters” of the prophecy. Nevertheless, God also promised those in exile would return home in peace.

Ch 17:1-13 These verses, reflecting the wisdom literature in Proverbs and Psalms, speak of God’s perfect knowledge to judge everyone with infallible justice. (CCC 679, 682)

Ch 17:5-7 God is All-knowing, All-loving, and All-powerful as well as our most loving Creator and Father. Therefore, it is most fitting to put our complete trust in him. No other person or thing deserves the trust that we place in God. (CCC 150)

Ch 17:14-18 The people were critical of Jeremiah because the dire events he predicted had not yet taken place. The prophet was not eager to see destruction; nevertheless, he felt that he was being made to look foolish by the delay in punishment. 

Ch 17:19-27 Jeremiah called upon the people to observe the Sabbath according to the Law. They would be blessed if they did so but would face consequences if they did not. (CCC 2168-2173)

Ezekiel 45:1-25 The description of the allotment of the land is largely symbolic in that it places the Temple-the center of worship and the place of God’s presence-in the middle of the territory of Israel. The prince took on the role of a good king, conscientious of securing justice for all and living an upright and exemplary life. Traditional annual feasts were to be restored and celebrated properly. (CCC 1836, 2698)

Ch 46:1-24 Lesser feasts called for specific sacrifice and rituals. The land of the prince had to remain in his possession, particularly considering the law of the jubilee in which all properties revert to their original owners every half-century. Strict regulations were given for the preparation of Temple offerings so as to minimize the risk of anyone having physical contact with the particular offering. (CCC 1096, 1168, 1171, 1438)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven we give you praise and glory. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Thank you for bringing us to Day 236. What a gift that you are. And what a gift each day, gosh Lord, this entire time, every one of these days, none of them are days that we deserve. Every one of them is a day that you have given to us as a free gift. And all you ask is that we simply receive it. All you ask is that we receive it with gratitude and thanksgiving knowing that none of these days is anything that any of us have ever deserved. And so you simply ask us to receive it. And then on top of receiving it, to use it just for your glory. To say yes to you. To say yes to your gift. And to receive this gift that you may be glorified. And to use this gift that your children might be helped, loved, and cared for. And so please, Lord God, help us to receive this day as your gift. Days of difficulty and days of blessing, but also help us to use this day. Help us to use this difficulty that comes with today so that those around us who are carrying heavy burdens might carry a little bit lighter burdens because of us. Help us to glorify you. Help us to lift up our brothers and sisters. Help us to let you love us. And help us to love you in return. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”