Day 136: Absalom Is Defeated

Psalm 37 This Psalms return to the subject of why blessing and misfortune do not ostensibly correspond to a person’s moral behavior. This psalm counsels trust in the Lord, both in his justice and in his timing of justice; in the end, good will triumph and those who do evil will be vanquished. The just person does not give way to anger and frustration but must have faith that displays habitual patience in the hope that a generous reward will come in due time through faithful perseverance and fidelity. The righteous will inherit the land and see all opposition overcome.

The meek shall possess the land:  This verse forms one of the Beatitudes of Christ (cf. Mt 5:5).

The law of God is in his heart: Natural law, written on every human heart by God himself, can guide us in our moral decisions and our search for God. (CCC 1716, 1957-1960)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

(*Walking With God: A Journey Through The Bible by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven we praise you. We do. We take our refuge in you. We ask that you please number us. Count us among those who are righteous. Count us among those who trust in you and not in our own strength, but who seek to do your will in all things. Lord God, any way that we have taken ourselves away from your will in great ways and in small ways, we return to you with our whole heart and ask that you please not only lift us up, but help us to come back. Not only make us strong, but help us to return to you. We place ourselves in your hands. We surrender to your lordship, to you being God and Father forever. And we commit our hearts and our lives once again to you, in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.”