Day 24: Tears of Joy

Genesis 45:1-28 Joseph’s admission reveals great mercy towards his brothers. He consoled them in their grief and regret by stating that everything happened according to GOD’S PLAN and for the good of his family so they might survive the famine. (CCC 268-271, 312)

Ch 45:16-28 Pharaoh’s invitation to the brothers to relocate their families in Egypt was a gesture that sustained the children of Israel. A few generations later, however, another pharaoh would oppress and enslave the Israelites. (CCC 1221)

Ch 46:1-4 It may appear to be contrary to God’s will that Jacob and his family should have left Canaan, the land promised to Abraham, for Egypt, a people steeped in idolatry. Israel’s dream, however, affirmed that God would remain with the Israelites and would build the mighty nation even as they resided in Egypt. (CCC 1964)

Ch 46:5-27 Seventy: This indicates completion, and so the seventy members of Jacob’s family who came to Egypt symbolize the totality of God’s faithful. The number is not so much an accurate census as it is an indication that the promise of a mighty nation made to Abraham would be long in coming. 

Ch 46:28-34 The sons of Jacob were shepherds, and they settled in the region of Goshen. This had the benefit of keeping them separate from the Egyptians, who held shepherds in disdain.

Job 37:1-24 Rather than question God’s motives, Elihu counseled Job to stand in awe of God’s works and to glorify him with good works. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that Elihu was correct in his discourses. However, Elihu wrongly presumed that Job’s suffering was God’s punishment for some secret sin and, therefore, his innocence was a deceptive appearance (*Exposito Super Iob, 37, 24) (CCC 230)

Ch 38:1-38 God’s intervention emphasized his transcendence and his omnipotence, his role as Creator and sustainer of all things, who constructed all of creation down to its smallest detail and who keeps it in orderly harmony and existence. In a series of RHETORICAL QUESTIONS with an ironic tone, he demolished the pretense of wisdom among the gathered men: however great their wisdom may have been by HUMAN STANDARDS, it could never rival the INFINITE WISDOM OF GOD. God’s ways are SO INSURMOUNTABLE that he can even draw good from evil and sin. Given both God’s infinite love for us guided by his supreme wisdom, we certainly OWE HIM OUR UNFAILING TRUST. (CCC 314)

Ch 38:7 Sons of God: This refers to angels (cf. 1:6). (CCC 332)

Ch 38:16-38 God knows all things perfectly and keeps ALL OF CREATION in a harmonious existence. (CCC 268)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

Key Event 14: Jacob’s Family Moves to Egypt (Genesis 46)

Joseph is eventually reconciled to his brothers when they come to Egypt because of the widespread famine. Pharaoh allows Israel (Jacob) and his sons and their families to settle in the best of the land of Egypt.

(*Walking With God: A Journey Through The Bible by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: "Father in Heaven, we thank you and we give you praise. Thank you so much for the gift of this day. Thank you for the gift of your Word. Thank you for the gift of revealing your heart to us, because that is what you do in your Word. You speak to us and you continue to speak to us. Even Lord, when your Word is challenging. Even Lord, when your Word is confusing and we don’t understand what is going on and we don’t understand what you are trying to say to us. Still, you continue to speak and we continue to listen. Give us hearts that can understand what we are hearing. Give us hearts to understand what you are saying. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen."


It feels like every day of reading Joseph's story in BIAY has split the events of his story up to show how much it mirrors the that of Christ's betrayal, death, resurrection, and now his reappearance and to his disciples!